Sunday, December 10, 2006

Quotes 1 Backup

"Chaos never Changes, It only Evolves." ~Dynast 'Dyne' (Chaos Dragon of Fire), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"To put it bluntly, you're dead meat." ~Dynast 'Dyne' (Chaos Dragon of Fire), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"Hey look, it's not like I want to kill people, they just come and, well, I can't deny their death wish, can I?" ~Dynast 'Dyne' (Chaos Dragon of Fire), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"Chaos is the Answer, Silence is just the Begining." ~Elesyne 'Less' (Chaos Dragon of Wind), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"I belive, though I'm not sure, that you're about to get killed." ~Elesyne 'Less' (Chaos Dragon of Wind), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"Erm, not my business or anything, but isn't 'ultimate doom', you know, kinda bad?" ~Elesyne 'Less' (Chaos Dragon of Wind), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"Sometimes, the Deepest Darkness is all we need, to find the Purest Light within." ~Fynalthia 'Fyne' (Chaos Dragon 'Goddess' of Light and Darkness), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"If you ever mention this little incident to anyone, at any given time, I'm afraid I'll have to kill you." ~Fynalthia 'Fyne' (Chaos Dragon 'Goddess' of Light and Darkness), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"Erm, 'complete devestation' is such a harsh term, I prefer to call it simply 'side effect'." ~Fynalthia 'Fyne' (Chaos Dragon 'Goddess' of Light and Darkness), from 'The Tale of the Seven Wings'~
"Let me take my broken wings and fly away... I just want to see the stars tonight." ~Kazandra Midnight (One of the Fateless), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Never mind me child, it's just the ramblings of an old woman who has seen the stars shining brighter before." ~Kazandra Midnight (One of the Fateless), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"I might not know much... but really, that was lame." ~Kazandra Midnight (One of the Fateless), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"I knew I should have stayed dead, I just knew it." ~Tao Tzu Li (One of the Fateless), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Don't worry, why even bothering listening to the chinese old man? After all, is not like he has been here before, or anything..." ~Tao Tzu Li (One of the Fateless), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"I hate to say I told you so... but I bloody told you so." ~Tao Tzu Li (One of the Fateless), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"There’s a place somewhere out there, where the sun won’t blind your eyes and your dreams come true, the key to it, is your will to risk it and start searching." ~Nuru/Ariel (Leviathan of Pestilence), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Given that we are three seconds from damnation, I will have to say I really, really hate you... bastard." ~Nuru/Ariel (Leviathan of Pestilence), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Wow... and here I was thinking you were the lowest part of the evolution scale Prav's." ~Nuru/Ariel (Leviathan of Pestilence), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"I hate this world beyond words to describe it, but I hate it more when we do nothing about it." ~Joe Spinelly/Abel (Leviathan of Famise), from 'The Rise of the Four'~
"Wait a second, you mean I actually know something you two dont? Wow! Ahem, let me rejoice in this marvelous revelation!." ~Joe Spinelly/Abel (Leviathan of Famise), from 'The Rise of the Four'~
"I'm not whinning, I'm just pointing out the fact that no one ever listens to me." ~Joe Spinelly/Abel (Leviathan of Famise), from 'The Rise of the Four'~
"Oh, very so clever, now not only we will die, we will take the world to damnation with us." ~Pravus/Ares (Leviathan of War), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Were you born stupid, or you just try really hard?." ~Pravus/Ares (Leviathan of War), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Will you fucking stop talking in plural! You and Alexis are one and the same fucking thing... one that's becoming unberably annoying as time goes by!" ~Pravus/Ares (Leviathan of War), from 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"I envy Death, while my work is always ephemerous, hers is forever eternal." ~Iris/Agar (Leviathan of Paradox, Leviathan of Time & Space), from 'The Rise of the Four'~
"Hi, I'm Iris, Leviathan of Time and Space and Mistress of Paradox, and I'm going to end the world, you may run and scream in panic now." ~Iris/Agar (Leviathan of Paradox, Leviathan of Time & Space), from 'The Rise of the Four'~
"Wee, I always dreamed about going into hell... I was usually the torturer rather than the victim in those dreams though." ~Iris/Agar (Leviathan of Paradox, Leviathan of Time & Space), from 'The Rise of the Four'~
"Why fight if I know I’ll Die? To ensure You die with me." ~Skylar K. Stevenson S./Alexis (Leviathan of Death), from 'Teaching Affair', 'Matter of Perspective', 'The Rise of the Leviathan' and 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"We think it's better to split in teams... Pravus goes with Joey, Nuru goes with Madame Midnight, and I'll go with Alexis." ~Skylar K. Stevenson S./Alexis (Leviathan of Death), from 'Teaching Affair', 'Matter of Perspective', 'The Rise of the Leviathan' and 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Some damn me, others claim me, but with no exception, all must face me." ~Skylar K. Stevenson S./Alexis (Leviathan of Death), from 'Teaching Affair','Matter of Perspective', 'The Rise of the Leviathan' and 'Clipped Wings, The Rise of the Four'~
"Judging someone for what we see is easy. Accepting them for what they are, is not." ~Malum Pusillus, from 'Teaching Affair'~
"Would you just stop wasting my time?" ~Malum Pusillus, from 'Teaching Affair'~
"Wee, more prejudist cows to deal with, watch me dance with glee." ~Malum Pusillus, from 'Teaching Affair'~
"Finding knowlage isn’t easy. Knowing what to do with it is even harder." ~Victoria S. Stevenson S./Breeze, from 'Teaching Affair'~
"Treat books well, and they'll serve you for long... and the haunted ones will leave you alone." ~Victoria S. Stevenson S./Breeze, from 'Teaching Affair'~
"I've lost plenty of friends that way." ~Victoria S. Stevenson S./Breeze, from 'Teaching Affair'~
"It’s amazing all we’re captable of doing, just to reach a universally accepted lie." ~Matt Parker, from 'Ashes'~
"You've been watching X-files for far too long." ~Matt Parker, from 'Ashes'~
"Eww, don't even say it... hell don't even think it, I can hear you from here." ~Matt Parker, from 'Ashes'~
"Appearances are made to decive the mind and cloud our judgement." ~Tala Ivanov, from 'Learning to Fly'~
"Bryan, I love you, really, but if you make one more gay referenced comment on myself, I shall castrate you with a pair of chopsticks... and you know I can AND will." ~Tala Ivanov, from 'Learning to Fly'~
"If I see one more christmass tree, I shall hurt someone... badly." ~Tala Ivanov, from 'Learning to Fly'~
"Oops." ~Maritza Pavlova, from 'Learning to Fly'~
"Heh, good one, but you know what's really pathetic? The mentally challenged individuals that have to resort to use lame jokes to call attention to their sad, pathetic existance." ~Maritza Pavlova, from 'Learning to Fly'~
"Well Ian, you know what they say about vertically challenged individuals... not that I'm implying you are one of course." ~Maritza Pavlova, from 'Learning to Fly'~
"A name does not make you who you are. If you set yourself to be what others call you, then you truly are a pathetic creature indeed." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Wistful Thoughts, Cherished Dreams'~
"Humans are pitiful creatures." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Wistful Thoughts, Cherished Dreams'~
"Wistful thinking will take you nowhere, Kirei, it will leave you bitter and alone." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Wistful Thoughts, Cherished Dreams'~
"Yet a dream, a sweet cherished deam will make you stronger, bringing hope into your heart." ~Kagome(Answering to the above quote), from 'Wistful Thoughts, Cherished Dreams'~
"I'm not afraid anymore." ~Kagome, from 'Wistful Thoughts, Cherished Dreams'~
"You're not alone anymore, I'm here... I'll always be." ~Kagome, from 'Wistful Thoughts, Cherished Dreams'~
From Others:
"For someone so Smart, you’re awfully stupid sometimes." ~Dranzer, from 'The Flight of the Black Dragon', by Maya-chan~
"Because a Dragon with broken wings ceases to fly." ~Kai Hiwatari, from 'The Flight of the Black Dragon', by Maya-chan~
"I'll have you know I hate you, and it's indeed quite personal." ~Riley Taylor, from 'Against All Authority', by Maya-chan~
"Light will always cast a Shadow, but a Shadow by itself is an abomination." ~Shoutan Himei, from 'Sailor Nothing', by Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne~
"Truth is prepacked in pieces, and everybody gets one... just not the one they wanted." ~Random thought in 'Sailor Nothing', by Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne~
"I’m tired." ~Shoutan Himei, from 'Sailor Nothing', Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne~
"The ancient samurai wrote war poetry to meditate upon their problems. Monks sit under a freezing waterfall to focus their thoughts. I play Dance Dance Revolution." ~Shoutan Himei, from 'Sailor Nothing', by Stefan"Twoflower" Gagne~
"Simple. I assumed you would commit suicide." ~Magnificent Kamen, from 'Sailor Nothing', by Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne~
"My name is Cobalt and fuck this world. I hope I made it absolutely, totally goddamn clear to you above that I hate these things, this world, my job and everything that comes with it. I already committed suicide once, so that's not a viable escape from this hell of boredom and futility. Do I sound negative to you? Very well; I am negative. Deal with it." ~Dark General Cobalt, from 'Sailor Nothing', Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne~
"And every day without fail one should consider himself as dead." ~Hagakure: Way of the Samurai~
"It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was only a dream. It is said that the world we live in is not a bit different from this." ~Hagakure: Way of the Samurai~
"I didn't have a reason to die... and I would find one good enough to live." ~Gabriel (Aquarius Camus), from 'Unbroken' by Toffee~
"He never saw my face... no one did... Blood wrote it for him." ~Morgana, from 'Unbroken' by Toffee~
"Sky tear touches leaf, green it shines now, soon to fade; like all things...someday."~Scorpio Blood, from 'Unbroken' by Tofee~
"You survived the dark lord only to be brought down by a skinny (but he's not skinny any more) little (and he's not little, not at all) nearsighted (well...) brat (true, but irrelevant). 'Shut up.' Snape shoved himself off the wall and stalked back to his office. Hopeless fool. Now you're arguing with your own body. He adjusted his trousers as he stalked. And losing." ~Severus Snape, from 'Quid Pro Quo' by Aucta Siniestra~
"I'm no expert at this, and I don't know what to do, and I'll probably screw it up, but ... there's a pretty good chance I'm in love with you." ~Harry Potter, from 'Quid Pro Quo' by Aucta Siniestra~
"I'm reasonably comfortable with feeling uncomfortable around you by now." ~Severus Snape, from 'Quid Pro Quo' by Aucta Siniestra~
"Forgive my hesitation, but I'm learning to trust in you." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Forgive My Hesitation', by Aspen Snow~
"The Moon is a big yellow eye remembering what we have lost or have never throught. That's why the Moon looks raw and ghostly in the dark." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Forgive My Hesitation', by Aspen Snow~
"Hell somehow exists in the distance, between what happened and what never happened." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Forgive My Hesitation', by Aspen Snow~
"The same old look in your eyes, it's a beautiful night, so I'm tempted to stay." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Forgive My Hesitation', by Aspen Snow~
"I could say I need you, but then you would realize I want you." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Forgive My Hesitation', by Aspen Snow~
"You'll learn, in time, to be cruel; because it's easier." ~Sesshoumaru, from 'Forgive My Hesitation', by Aspen Snow~

"Understanding is a three-edged sword.There is your side, there side, and the truth."Excerpt fromBabylon 5 "Koshism"

Hope you’re feeling better.
Much. I have a sneaking suspicion that the amount of red hearts and soppy love songs on the radio and television actually moved me to physical sickness. The same thing happened to me on St. Patrick’s day after seeing too much green… and drinking too much Guinness (which would make anyone throw up, regardless of how drunk they were).
Was Serge modelled on Hojo?
Serge is a Frenchificated Hojo, with a bit more sensitivity. Hojo might have been included in this story as one of Kagome’s previous romantic interests, but sadly, he’s currently hiding out in the Alps after a nasty run-in with the Yakuza, going by the name of Henrietta with Bob the Goat as his only companion. Take that as you like. (I don’t know. He might get his own spin-off story for that one…)
Why do people sneeze in anime when people talk about them/Why did Inuyasha sneeze?
It’s an old Japanese belief that when you sneeze, it means someone is probably talking about you (not always in a flattering light). It’s not just limited to Japan though, as China, India and Pakistan have similar myths when it comes to sneezing (where it usually means a loved one is thinking of you).
How long have they been in Paris?
Eighteen months exactly. (The hint was in the chapter title.)
Why is Miroku discouraging Kagome’s romantic relationships?
This’ll be clear in the next chapter…
You seem to like to give Inuyasha very traumatizing pasts…
Emotionally scarred and traumatised people are just SO much sexier than the average!
Where do you buy sea monkeys?
There’s only one place I ever found and bought sea monkeys: on the ferry from France to England. I have no idea what they were doing there, but I suspect they were just plastic boxes of sea water fresh from over the side of the boat that had ‘Sea Monkeys’ scrawled across them. Having bought a set, I can assure people that these things are not monkeys. Nor do they hold any kind of resemblance to the mermaid-esque people pictured on the box. I felt so cheated I eventually flushed them down the toilet. My love is fickle like that.
Did Inuyasha kill Daisuke Hoshi?
No. I’ll probably explain this later on in the story.
How long have you been drawing?
Since last Tuesday.
There’s a lot I don’t understand here…
There’s a lot Kagome doesn’t understand either. Things shall be revealed in all good time…
Is that ice cream thing true?
Yes. Completely. I didn’t make it up at all and it’s true that all chocolate lovers are shallow and vacuous, mint-fiends are left-wing, and all strawberry girls are too cool for this world. There has never been a documented case to say otherwise.
Kanashii no ha semete shimau koto da to…-Being sad is the same as giving up
- Eriol and Tomoyo From ‘The Snowmand and the swallow’
"Going to school. Getting my degree in literature. I'm going to write down all the things that happened to us and no one will ever believe it." -Kagome"You are looking forward to being disbelieved?"- Sesshoumaru"No one believes anything I say anyway. No one believes anything anyone says. I might as well get paid for it."- KagomeYou fear doors,"
"Of course I do. Don't you?"-K"No."-S"You should,".-K"Why should I? A door can do nothing to me."-S"I can't believe that you're so old but you aren't scared of doors yet. Doors have memories, you know. I can't believe you haven't figured that out."-K"Doors are not alive. They know nothing."-S"I didn't say they knew things, I said they remember."-K"And what do doors remember, Kagome?"-S"How to close," she says.-K"Are you afraid that they will close behind you or in front of you?"-S"Does it matter?"-K

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