Sunday, December 10, 2006

OId Journal Entries Backup Inc.

Dear Pinky(Jan.10, 2006
Well, I don’t know why I’m writing in you right now. It’s almost time to go to school, because today we’re catching the bus. It’s been raining non stop. DJ gave us a ride yesterday. I am so screwed for homework. Haven’t started putting the stuff on the poster for my french project which was due like weeks ago. And I don’t do much science homework either. I really need to work on my self discipline. Anyway, I think my dad and Marlene were having a huge serious talk with Laura yesterday. I guess they found out that she was considering moving to her dads. All I heard was ‘It may be the best thing for you, or it may be the worst thing for you.’ That was my dad. I wish they would’ve let her play WoW. Thuy Vi wants me to download Maple Story, but Marlene wants to see it first. It’s so retarted. I mean, it’s not like we’re gonna get possessed from playing games maybe an hour a day. It’s not that violent. Well, I think it’s time to go now so I’ll write more later. I put a password on all even slightly private files so nobody can read them.Ha!

Dear Pinky(Jan. 26, 2006)
We’re getting a ride today, even though it’s not even raining. I asked dad if I could participate in the Sun Run,

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