Sunday, December 10, 2006

Untitled 1 Backup

February 11, 2006
Untitled- Twilight Fanfic
Chapter 1: Negotiations
Disclaimer: I do not own the novel ‘Twilight’ or any of its characters, although I wouldn’t mind hooking up with one of them... *sighs* Darn it anyways.
It was just like any other day. The sun was shining and the flowers were sparkling in the morning dew. However, this day was about to turn everything I had come to know upside down.
I walked quickly with purpose down the long driveway that lead to my ‘father’s’ house. I hadn’t seen him in a few years, but for some reason it seemed important to my mother that I saw him every now and then. Honestly, I couldn’t be bothered either way, as long as it kept my mother happy. She didn’t need anything else to add to her stressed lifestyle.
I knocked sharply three times at the old fashioned oak door, just loud enough so that you could probably hear it throughout the whole house. And that was saying something, since my father’s ‘house’ was more like a mansion than anything. After a few moments with no apparent reply, I was about to turn back and leave the way I’d come when I picked up faint, hurried footsteps coming from inside.
The small expectant face of a middle aged lady peeked from behind the thick doorway, glancing at me quickly, before motioning with her hand to come in. She seemed almost anxious for some reason as she lead me up a wide marble staircase to which I assumed would be a room that I was to meet my father in.
"Excuse me," I broke the tense atmosphere hesitantly. "I was just wondering exactly where I am to meet Ch-um, my father."
I bit my lip as I just caught myself from calling my father by his first name. My mother insisted I called him ‘father’ or ‘dad’ like any other son or daughter. I didn’t see why it would matter really. I mean, it’s not like he even bothered to check in with us at all when I was growing up. I only knew him from the stories my mother told me when I was young. I hadn’t actually met him until about five years ago, when I was twelve. My first impression was that he was a complete snob, but as he tried to make small talk, I was kind of crept out. Some of the things he said were just...weird.
"Here you are, miss. The master will be seeing you shortly, so please just wait here and make yourself at home."
I broke myself out of my reverie to realize that we had stopped at an attractive looking door, with strange carvings covering most of its surface. The servant, or whatever her current position was, quietly opened the massive door to reveal an impressive office. Or at least, that’s I thought it was.
The lady bent her head quickly towards me, in a painfully formal manner before leaving even quicker than she had lead me up here.
I took this opportunity to observe the room more closely, taking in the scattered books and papers, and the large open windows that had been draped shut. As far as I could see there was nothing too interesting about it, despite that the room itself was probably about half the size of my house where I lived with my mother.
I decided that this room was an office and a library in one, with all the books lined up on at least a dozen shelves. They all looked pretty boring anyway, nothing that I would read for entertainment. I was just about to walk around towards one of the windows to check out the view behind the thick curtains, when I heard a soft click behind me.
I whipped my head around to come face to face with the person in question. Or whatever. There he stood, in a dreary looking business suit, his hair combed neatly back. He looked at me kindly, but his eyes held a reserved look to them. Polite but careful at the same time.
"It’s nice to see you again, Bella," he greeted me. "I’m glad that you came to visit me."
"It’s no trouble, C– Dad." I managed to smile. "Thanks for inviting me."
He walked fluidly over to a polished desk, and sat gracefully in a plush chair. "Please," he made a gesture for me to sit across from him. "Make yourself comfortable."
‘That’s not exactly possible,’ I thought wryly, but nevertheless, seated myself with as much prose as possible. "Thanks,’ I told him courteously.
"So," Charlie, as I would’ve liked to call him, began. "How’s life right Bella? Are you doing well in school?"
I smoothly covered what would’ve been my expression of confusion and disbelief, and turned it into one of indifference. Since when did he care what was going on in my life? "It’s fine, and school is going well. What about you?" I refrained from calling him anything that time.
He smiled, seeming pleased that I was co-operating with his attempt at making a conversation. "Everything’s actually going quite well, thank you for asking Bella."
I almost forgot to hide my look of disgust. I was tired of playing his little games. "What did you call me here for, Father?" I asked him bluntly, allowing myself to emphasize the last word. "It can’t have been just to chat and catch up."
His expression immediately changed, going from surprised for a quick second, to something between amused and impressed. "You were always the one to get straight to the point, Bella." He shook is head. "Very well then, what is it you thought I invited you here for?"
I narrowed my eyes slightly, wondering where this was going. Now I knew for sure that there was an ulterior motive. "I’m not sure. All I know is that it isn’t like you to just ask for someone’s company when you feel bored." I settled back deeper into my chair. "Why don’t you enlighten me."
His smile widened, and a glint appeared in his eyes. The thing that I liked about Charlie was that he never discussed any of the conversations you had with him to anybody else. Everything you discussed with him, whether it was casual or private was kept strictly confidential. This way I didn’t have to worry about my mother hearing about any of this.
"Ah, such a smart girl you are."Charlie folded his hands neatly on top of the desk top. "You see, I didn’t expect any less from you. That’s why it was you who I chose." He paused to gauge my reaction, but to his slight disappointment, found none.
"Go on," I urged him, wanting to hear his insane idea. I was used to hiding my emotions. This way, I didn’t feel vulnerable.
He tilted his head to the side, trying to decipher my reply, before offering an explanation. "It seems that events have lead to an unfortunate situation that may affect my company, and I refuse to let that happen."
As I realized he wouldn’t continue until I said something I put on an intrigued face. "Oh? What sort"
Charlie’s eyes twinkled, but not exactly in a friendly matter. "It’s sort of complicated, really. The...superiors that run the whole show have decided to have an election for a new leader. I am still eligible of course, but my chances are not exactly in my favour. Seeing as how I’ve already been the head of the company for ten years, I suspect they’re looking for fresh meat."
I restrained myself from flinching at the harsh word he used for the implied term. "And how to I fit into all of this?"
"Oh, but I was just getting to that part, Bella. If you’ll just listen a few minutes longer it’ll all become clear." He paused a couple seconds before going on. "As you may know, there are certain techniques to getting the majority of the board in your favour. In my case, they see no good reason to vote for me other than the fact that I’ve kept the business thriving quite nicely for the time I’ve been in control. However, I’ve noticed in previous elections for circumstances such as these, people that have...necessities if you will ,tend to appeal to a lot of the members. They receive pity votes as I like to refer to them as."
I couldn’t help myself from frowning. "Pity votes? What kind of...’necessities?’
Norman brightened at this question. "But of course my dear Bella, that’s exactly where you come in! Don’t you see? You are the necessity that I require to win most of the votes!"
My frown deepened as I realized what he was about to ask me to do. "So now I’m a necessity, huh? Why should I help you anyway?"
His smile transformed to be almost predatory, and I got a chill in my spine. "Please, take no offence. It’s nothing personal I assure you. If you would only give everyone a good impression, and speak highly of me, it would make me seem more...humane?"
I scowled angrily. "Pity votes? You think that they would elect you because they feel sorry for me? I don’t believe this!"
"Now Bella, there’s no need to become angry. I didn’t say they would feel sorry for you. All I’ve been trying to explain is that all of the board members have family. As far as they know, I’m a single wealthy bachelor who only cares for himself."
"Then they have your description perfect as far as I’m concerned," I grumbled.
"Humor me, Bella. Don’t you see now?"Charlie leaned forward in his chair so that I saw the almost insane look in his eyes. "What I want them to think is that I’m a caring and compassionate person who is determined to see the best of the company, and is the ideal family man. You are the only one who can convince them of that theory."
"And what if that theory isn’t true?" I demanded.
His eyes narrowed with a feral look. "Well now, they don’t have to know that do they?" His demeanor seemed cheerful, and his voice was light, but I could feel the underlying threat.
I couldn’t help but gulp at his intimidating posture. "I ask again, why should I help you? You’ve done nothing for me. What benefit do I get out of all this?"
He smiled, satisfied that I was even considering his proposal. "I hear that you are wanting to apply for a nice college, and perhaps a university. Education is expensive these days isn’t it?"
I didn’t miss the hints. "You’re willing to pay for my education?" I inquired.
"All of it, Bella.. As long as you put on a good show."
I became thoughtful. "Although this offer is tempting, a salesman’s first offer is always the one that is negotiable."
Charlie’s eyes became appraising. "But of course. What else is it you have in mind, Bella?"
I eyes him warily, but making sure to have a firm voice. "I’ll need to have transportation to these schools, as all the ones I want to apply for are quite a ways from here. I have my drivers licence, but neither my mother or I can afford to buy a decent car."
"That can be easily taken care of. I will allow you to choose one vehicle. Any selection at all, if there’s one you prefer."
He smiled, missing nothing. "Any, Bella. If I win this election finances will not be a problem, believe me."
I went through a list of the most expensive cars I’ve heard of. "Well...I’ve always heard that Mercedes is a good name, but the Ferrari looks pretty nice too. I also like the style of some of the new BMW models."
"If that is what you want, after this is complete, one of them will be yours along with a constant supply of funds for your education."
"Does that include supplies, course fees and everything?"
He nodded. "It’s a one package deal Bella."
I was silent for a few minutes, before finally coming to a decision. "Alright, what exactly does this agreement include? I better not have to flirt with any old guys or anything."
Charlie laughed, knowing that I was hooked. "Never, Bella. All I need you to do is play the part that I tell you too, while looking ladylike in the process."
After that statement, the rest is history.
"So Bella, what was it that your father wanted to talk to you about?" Catherine, my mother asked me as I got home an hour later.
"Um..." I struggled at how to explain the whole situation to her. Charlie had made it clear that she wasn’t to know what was really happening. "Well, he just wanted me to visit him more often so we could get to know each other better, you know?" I inwardly winced at my weak excuse. God, how pathetic was I anyway?
Predictably, my mother frowned. "He...wanted to see you more often? I see." She didn’t seem to certain about the idea.
I sighed. "Don’t worry about it mom, it’s nothing big. We just thought it was time that we got to know each other, for our own sake. It’s not like I’m moving in with him or anything."
She seemed to relax a little after that. "Oh" My mother looked up with indecision displayed on her face. "Well I guess that’s alright. I have nothing against you two socializing with each other. I suppose it’ll be for the better in the end anyway."
I smiled encouragingly, seeing her distress. "Come on mom, he’s just asking that I go see him maybe two or three times a week. That’s all. There’s nothing complicated about it." That’s the understatement of the year, I thought to myself.
My mother brightened up at this, and gave me a quick hug. "Of course dear, whatever makes you happy." With that worked out, she left to make something for dinner.
Ah, what a confusing thing life can be.
Since I had just started summer break, school wouldn’t interfere any of my father’s plans. I told myself I had to get used to calling him that if I was to fool a few hundred people. Powerful people at that. Christ, what was I getting myself into?
According to Charlie, I mean, ‘dad,’ as I had to call him, I was to be waiting outside the front entrance of the mall, 1 o’clock sharp. Don’t ask me why, he didn’t tell me much other than that. The only implication I picked up was that I was about to get a whole new wardrobe. A fashionable and expensive on too.
I didn’t have to wait long, because sure enough, at 1 o’clock exactly a fancy looking sports care pulled up in front of me. I didn’t say anything, as the driver was unfamiliar to me.
However, she seemed to know me as she took one glance at me and stated, "Isabella Swan?"
I nodded curtly, unsure to what we were about to do.
The lady seemed to know exactly what was going on though, when she motioned towards the back seat and said, "I’m Laura, your father sent me. We don’t have a lot of time."
I hesitated, my mother’s warnings about strangers flitting around my head. But she wasn’t really a stranger was she? This lady was most likely an employee of my dad.
"Well?" The woman snapped impatiently as she picked up on my uncertainty. "Are you coming or what? I don’t want you wasting my time."
How uptight can you get? Someone definitely had issues. I climbed in without another word.
"Today we are going to be looking for more...appealing clothes to have in your wardrobe. The woman who I had yet to decide had completely crossed over, drove like a maniac through the busy streets. She glanced disapprovingly at my current attire, which just happened to be one of my favourite pair of worn out jeans, and a fitting t-shirt that said ‘No really, what’s wrong with your face?’ on the front.
"So uh, what kind of clothes will we be looking for?" I risked giving her a side glance through the corner of my eye, and instantly regretted it as she pierced me with a glare.
"Something besides those rags that you’re wearing. I will consider nothing but quality brand names. Anything less is unacceptable."
Whoa. I was right, expensive clothes. Cool. "Alright, so like Levi’s and Roxy’s?"
"Certainly not!" She seemed appalled at the very mention of the names. "Only top rated names will be appropriate. You want to make a good first impression to all the board members. We can’t have anything set us back.
Ah, it made more sense now. This Laura person was in on it. She knew what No– excuse me, dad was really up to. I decided to test my luck. "I don’t really have experience with this kind of shopping then. Are you here to help me out?"
Laura sniffed in what seemed an ‘I-could-care-less’ manner. "I suppose, if my assistance is required. We can’t have you picking out disasters like those."
I gave her a half hearted glare. "Excuse me, miss, but I happen to like my clothes, thank you very much!"
"Well now, this isn’t about you is it darling?" Laura said in such a tone that I almost gagged at how she called me ‘darling.’ Was everyone in this world twisted criminals?
I sulked the rest of the way. To where I didn’t know yet.
Author’s Note: Hello everyone! This is my first and probably only fanfic for this particularly book. I mean, Twilight isn’t that popular is it? I was actually considering making it for an anime series but it didn’t quite fit. Anyways, that’s the first chapter. It’s not that long I know, but my writing skills aren’t quite up to bat so I obtain writer’s block a bit to often. I just wanted to encourage you to comment you and review, but please, though suggestions and criticism is welcome, I despise flamers. Just thought I’d let you know. Enough of my babbling, please look forward to the next chapter!

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